The Westbrook Family

Pastor Bobby Roberson

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Gospel Light Baptist Church

February 25, 2000

Dear Pastor,

I am sure that you receive many letters regarding missionaries just as I do. I would like to tell you about a good missionary, Bro. Jimmy Westbrook.

Jimmy was a fine member of our church for several years, and worked a bus route faithfully. He then attended and graduated from Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida. He is now with the mission board of Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples, Inc.

Jimmy has a fine Christian wife and together they have a burden for the lost souls of Trinidad and the surrounding islands of the West Indies. Gospel Light Baptist Church is planning to support them when they reach the field. If you can have Bro. Jimmy in your church to present this work, I would appreciate it very much.

Thank you for considering him.

In Christ,

Bobby Roberson

Pastor Bobby Roberson